What is International Nurses Day?

Celebrated on Thursday 12 May 2022 around the globe, International Nurses Day (IND) is an opportunity to thank nurses, show how nursing can look in the future, and how the profession will transform the next stage of healthcare. Operated by nurses and leading nursing internationally, Mediscrubs works to provide quality nursing scrubs for all, and we support sound health policies globally, the advancement of nursing knowledge, and the presence worldwide of a respected nursing profession and a competent and satisfied nursing workforce.


International Nurses Day (IND) is celebrated around the world every 12 May, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birth. Our overarching theme for 2022, Nurses: A Voice to Lead, focuses on the need for nurses to become more active and vocal in policy development and implementation. The resources and evidence deal with critical issues of the time and highlight the many ways in which nurses are making an impact.

How is International Nurses Day celebrated?

International Nurses Day has been celebrated by the ICN since 1965. However, it wasn't until 1974 when 12th May was chosen to celebrate this day to coincide with the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale. Each year since, the International Council of Nurses prepares and distributes the International Nurses' Day kit, containing valuable educational and public information materials that can be used by nurses around the world.

However, countries around the world celebrate this occasion in their own ways. For example, in the UK, there is a service held each year in Westminster Abbey in London where a symbolic lamp is passed between nurses until it reaches the Nurses' Chapel in the Abbey where it is then placed on the High Altar. This symbolises the passing of knowledge from one nurse to another.

#VoiceToLead #IND2022

In 2022, the theme for IND is Nurses: A Voice to Lead – Invest in nursing and respect rights to secure global health. #IND2022 focuses on the need to invest in nursing and respect the rights of nurses in order to build resilient, high-quality health systems to meet the needs of individuals and communities now and into the future.

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