Before you get completely wasted, make a fool of yourself, stumble your way home and pass out, let us wish you a very happy New Year. Let us celebrate this exciting, colourful, grand, magical New Year with a great big smile. Wishing you a year full of happiness and prosperity. Our New Year’s resolution is to be a little less perfect so we can stop making everyone else look so bad.
  • This coming year may you have happiness, good health, prosperity and finally realise how awesome MediScrubs really are!
  • May you grow old enough that you struggle to stay up until midnight, prefer to stay home on New Year’s Eve and are unable to remember what a New Year celebration was like when you were young.
  • To all of our friends, may your Facebook page be full of New Year wishes from people you barely know.
  • May your New Year’s resolution be high definition. And may you be too drunk to understand that joke!
  • May this year give you the opportunity to follow your dreams, love like there is no tomorrow and smile unconditionally.
  • Happy New Year! Here’s hoping that we can stay up later than 9 o’clock.
  • New Year, new you, new resolution, new change, new beginning, new opportunities.
Ring out the old. Invite in the new. As we say goodbye to 2018, we can look forward to the hope and possibilities that 2019 will bring. We welcome a brand new chapter in your life. May light always be around you, hope always surround you. May your wounds fade out; heart embrace kindness, love and wisdom. May your smile never leave your lips and may a healthy glow stay on your cheeks. May all your desires turn true; This is our New Year Wish for you. Happy New Year to you all from Mediscrubs!