Intelligence Testing

The earliest recorded intelligence test was made by the Chinese emperor Ta Yu in 22,000 BC. It was devised to examine government officials, and was used as the basis for promoting or firing them. Today, intelligence testing forms part of the scope of Psychometry, a branch of Psychology specialised in psychological testing. Psychometrics create, administer, and interpret tests and their results. Psychometrics typically hold masters in Psychology, and underwent extensive courses on testing. They work in educational, business, and clinical settings. Intelligence can be measured in a number of different ways, the most common one being the famous “intelligence quotient” or IQ. However, like many other aspects of the field of intelligence, there is much debate and disagreement over the “correct” way to measure intelligence and each method has its supporters and critics. Despite decades of research into how different brains work, these experts say there are no easy answers. Scientists now know that there are multiple types of intelligence. There’s a strong genetic component to certain aspects of intelligence. And scores on intelligence tests are tightly linked to school performance, future income level, health and more. However, IQ scores are far from the only factor that determines how well people do in life. Also, conversations about innate differences in intelligence continue to make people uneasy, probably because there is a long history of racism, classism, sexism and even religious discrimination tied up in discussions about who is smarter than whom.


“What is intelligence anyway” is an argumentative essay. In this essay writer Isaac Asimov makes an argument that intelligence is not absolute but is a function of the society. Intelligence is the subjective matter. A person intelligent in one field may be a loggerhead in another field. It may be possible that a person is intelligent in two or more field but he/she will still be lagging behind another field. Hence, we can’t say the person is intelligent in general. For example, a good teacher might be a bad student and vice versa. A good administrator may be a bad father. Asimov also focus on the fact that intelligent is the outcome to experience and knowledge. Asimov is intelligent regarding study and literature, but he does not exhibit the thinking required to maintain his car. His automobile repairman is far more intelligent in this field than him. But on the other hand, Asimov is far more intelligent within study and literature than his automobile repair man. Hence, intelligent is the subjective matter. Any person cannot be intelligent in general. It depends on their particular field of concern.


It really doesn’t matter whether you “are smart” or not, unless your goal is to get people to say, “You’re smart.” To achieve things in life, we need to be inquisitive, which you clearly are, since you’re reading this blog post. We all need to seek information and clarity when necessary, which you also obviously know how to do; and we have to be tenacious, throwing ourselves at problems for hours, days, weeks, or years until we solve them or die trying. We don’t know if you do that or not, but it’s a skill that has nothing to do with intelligence. Some people have quicker minds than others. But all of us can keep bashing at a problem until it gives. A man with a limp can climb a mountain, as long as he gives himself time.